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Boundaries Programme: Welcome

Boundaries Coaching Programme

This programme is tailored to the unique needs of women living with chronic illness/pain. 


We will spend 75 mins each week on Zoom for 3 weeks, doing a deep-dive on three aspects of the Boundary Map. 

Each week will focus on the skills and knowledge needed to maintain strong & flexible boundaries so relationships can thrive. Replays will be available for those who cannot attend.


Week 1

Acceptance vs Control

Unhooking from thoughts and feelings




Week 2

Notice & name the loops

Identify Loop stories

Unhooking from stuck loops


Week 3

Assertive & communication skills

Building emotional resilience

Write your boundary script

Evaluation of progress


This coaching programme is based mainly on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT).  

It is interactive and will provide direct feedback, motivation and on-going evaluation of progress. This is not a dull webinar! 


The programme consists of mind-body & experiential practices. and uses metaphors to make hard-to-grasp concepts (ie acceptance, cognitive defusion etc) accessible to participants.


Email for more info or use contact form on this website.


Last date to register: 28th February 2023



Saturday March 18th

Saturday March 25th

Saturday 4th April


Time: 5 pm GMT, 12 pm EST

Boundaries Programme: Text
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